Como fan tutte

Well, luckily not everybody did come to Lake Como this weekend – in fact, the place was almost empty. Pictures are here.

Cynthia’s friend Kim was supposed to come visit us, and we had planned a long weekend in Italy, but the volcano with the unpronouncable name nixed all flights, so we had to go by ourselves.

Not much you can do there: hang out at the lakefront, ride on a boat, have dinner – but it doesn’t bother you, because the surroundings are so beautiful: the snowcapped mountains in the distance, the lake busy with sailboats and ferries, mostly empty in April.

We stayed in Bellagio, a small town in the middle of the lake, full of arts & crafts shops selling local silk and leather products.

Tuscany, May 2007

For two weeks, we stayed in a small village halfway between Florence and Rome, and we explored Tuscany and Umbria.

We stayed at a 16th century villa called Macciangrosso, which now has 4 apartments and a couple of hotel rooms. Because it was still pre-season, we had the whole house and garden to ourselves.

Here we are, with our friends Dru and Roger from Chicago. Many more pictures are in the picture gallery.